영어회화 썸네일형 리스트형 출퇴근 영어 회화 공부하기~!~! / 실전 영어 회화 꿀팁 so we've prepared a food challenge (우리는 오늘 음식 도전을 준비했어) Are you ready? (준비됐어?) of course (물론!) This is Incredible! (이거 짱이야!) Did you see this? (봤어!?!?) This is unbelievable! (말도 안돼!!!) It's the size of my face!! (크기가 내 얼굴만해!) It's Massive! (엄청크다!) This milkshake are all included (밀크쉐이크도 나와) Ok... shall we begin (좋아 시작해볼까?!) Let's eat! (좋아 먹자!) How the heck do we eat this!? (익 도대체 어떻게 먹는거야??) I'l.. 더보기 출퇴근하면서 공부하는 영어 회화 꿀팁! So full!! (너무 배불러!) Oh my days you've eaten so much already! (와 너 진짜 많이 먹었어!) Did you see that?! Look (이거 봤어?! 이거 봐바!) What the heck has happened to me! (이게 어떻게 된거야~!) unbelievable! (말도안돼~~) Seriously what is this! (무슨 일이야 이거 진짜~!) How is the milkshake? good? (밀크셰이크는 어때? 맛있어) amazing... so good! (진짜 맛있어~!) although it's really messy (이게.. 좀 더러워요) yeah... that's not good idea (그러면 안될거같아) it's tir.. 더보기 영어 회화 음식 맛 표현하기! / 출퇴근 영어 회화 공부 Do you like spicy food? (매운 음식 좋아해요?) how is it (어때?) Ah it's really yummy (아 진짜 맛있다) It tastes so good (너무 맛있어요) Hmm really nice! (음 정말 맛있네~) that's quite hot! (꽤나 맵구나) that's getting hotter!! (점점 더 매워지는구나!) it's unreal (말도안돼~) you alright? (괜찮아!?) this is so spicy... hang on (너무 매워.. 잠깐만) how much have you eaten? (얼마나 먹었어!?) this is really hot (아 이거 너무 매워!) was it tasty? (맛있어?) you can finish .. 더보기 이전 1 다음