Do you like spicy food?
(매운 음식 좋아해요?)
how is it
Ah it's really yummy
(아 진짜 맛있다)
It tastes so good
(너무 맛있어요)
Hmm really nice!
(음 정말 맛있네~)
that's quite hot!
(꽤나 맵구나)
that's getting hotter!!
(점점 더 매워지는구나!)
it's unreal
you alright?
this is so spicy... hang on
(너무 매워.. 잠깐만)
how much have you eaten?
(얼마나 먹었어!?)
this is really hot
(아 이거 너무 매워!)
was it tasty?
you can finish it!!
(다 먹을 수 있어!)
i'm almost done!!
(거의 다 먹었어!!)
Why do you eat this?
(이런거 왜 먹는거야??)
it's really burning
(아직도 얼얼해)
you're supposed to be my friend
(넌 내 친구인 줄 알았는데)
what do you think of the foods?
(이 음식들에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?)
go on fire
(불이 나더라~~)
'영어회화' 카테고리의 다른 글
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